VMedia Champions More Choice

VMedia Champions More Choice

Last week The National Post, in its Financial Post section, criticized the CRTC for its decision to grant independent internet service providers access to the fibre to the premises facilities that are being rolled out across Canada. That article referred to VMedia, as an ISP that wanted to “cash in” on the new facilities. As everyone knows VMedia pays dearly for its access, because of unjustifiably high CBB rates. The Post’s editor, Terence Corcoran, was gracious enough to publish our position on the importance of access to ensure better competition, more choice, and lower prices, in the high-speed internet services that Canadians increasingly crave. You can read our reply here.


Please pass the link on to your friends, everyone should know about this issue, and how important it is to all Canadians, in their everyday lives.


This entry was posted in "Archive" on 2015.08.04