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Home Phone Provider in Stratford

The distance between Canada and China or that between Canada and Russia is not a small one. It is quite substantial. So when you make such long-distance calls, you know that you are going to end up a broke sooner than later. But you can still talk nineteen to the dozen and save yourself the expenses if you select the right plan by the right home phone provider in Stratford. The name of VMedia in this context is quite fitting to introduce. VMedia has been proactively associated with providing services of telephone and home phone throughout the country. One of its great calling plans allow you to make unlimited phone calls to countries like China, Russia and beyond.


Its plan of Unlimited World calling taxes you at $24.95 per month but in return it allows you to make as many calls as you want in almost any part of the world. The plan covers over 60 countries. You can call up on any number in China and talk without stopping if you want. And you can keep doing so every day of the month. In some countries including China you can make unlimited phone calls on both landline numbers and personal cell phones. In other countries, you can make unlimited calls only on landlines. For instance, if you wish to talk to someone in Russia and without worrying about the bill, you should dial him or her on the landline number. That way, you can talk for hours and days without the need to pay anything more. Thus, VMedia is a delightful home phone provider in Stratford. Its plan will suit you to perfection.

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