Recovery Mode

The directions to do a 'Factory Reset' on your VBox are outlined below. (If your VBox has an antenna, you may need to connect a keyboard to one of the USB ports on the side of your VBox to perform this.

  1. Unplug the VBox from the power source.
  2. Locate the small reset button on the back of the VBox, which is typically between the USB ports or beside the HDMI port.
  3. Press this reset button in using a pen or similar object and hold it.
  4. Connect the VBox to power while holding the reset button in.
  5. Wait 2-3 seconds then release. This will put the VBox in 'Recovery' Mode.

In 'Recovery Mode', the list of options are:

Reboot VBox

This reboots your VBox

Apply Update Allows you to install an 'Update' from a ST(D) card or USB. Firmware file must be placed into the root of SD card or USB.
Wipe Data / Factory Reset

This wipes saved user data, formats internal storage and resets VBox to factory settings

Wipe Cache Partition

This will wipe data that has been cached

Wipe Media Partition

This will remove all installed apps and format user application partition. System apps would not be affected.

Recovery Mode

Apply Update

  1. Browse your SD card or USB disc (UDisck), select the *.img file and press Ok.
  2. VBox will begin firmware update. Update takes some time, please be patient and do not power off or reboot your VBox.
  3. After update is complete, please reboot your VBox.

Factory Reset

  1. Scroll down and select: Wipe Data & Factory Reset, and confirm by selecting YES.
  2. When the reset is complete, it will take you back to the initial menu. Select: Reboot now.
  3. Your VBox will reboot and the Factory Reset is now complete.